Thursday, February 1, 2007

Harper to Canada: DROP DEAD

Big News from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - global warming is PEEEEOOPLE!!!

The IPCC dropped the bombshell to a world left in shock: who knew?

Immediate reaction from the masses: SAVE US SUPERMAN!!!

Speedy response from the PMO: This looks like a job for.... John Baird!

Yes it is true everyone, Stephen Harper is Marlon Brando and John Baird is the man in blue, er, green tights, come to save us all from climate change. And how's that working out so far for ya, Canada?

Um, yeah - working out just great. Thanks Conservative Masters!

The facts speak for themselves.

1. Harper cares more about greasing his own pockets with oil stock profit than in ensuring a reasonable cool temperature for our children and their children's children (our grandchildren for you Conservative knuckledraggers trying to keep up here...)

2. John Baird is dangerously stupid.

3. Canadians can't be fooled.

Buh-bye Stevie!!!! Not nice knowing ya!

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